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So speaking of tasting rooms and different styles based on the architecture of the area here is a snap of a recently updated tasting room just up the road from me.

They went with the timeless look of "Tin Roof"!

Tin Roof? It looks like wood to me. PLace looks great. There is a winery just inside the NY line that has a bar that looks a lot like that one. That is a concrete bar top right? They seem to be popular now. The wood posts are pretty cool to.
I got a manilla envelope today with this fancy piece of paper in it with an official looking seal that was from some place, New York State, I believe. It gives me permission to be a winery....................

I went out to the winery to sample progress on the whines. After about 20 something samples, I think I must have been celebating or sumpin. Dang the winemarker thare makes sum dang gud whine............... The whites are really great this year and I had a few very nice reds even though only about 6 months old. Time for some oak on some of them.
Yeppers to the concrete bar top, good eye!

We call the wood post "Rope Vigas" in these parts!

This is the new expanded tasting room at Black Mesa Winery

runningwolf said:
Tin Roof? It looks like wood to me. PLace looks great. There is a winery just inside the NY line that has a bar that looks a lot like that one. That is a concrete bar top right? They seem to be popular now. The wood posts are pretty cool to.
Rich, that sounds like Country song I know .

appleman said:
I got a manilla envelope today with this fancy piece of paper in it with an official looking seal that was from some place, New York State, I believe. It gives me permission to be a winery....................

I went out to the winery to sample progress on the whines. After about 20 something samples, I think I must have been celebating or sumpin. Dang the winemarker thare makes sum dang gud whine............... The whites are really great this year and I had a few very nice reds even though only about 6 months old. Time for some oak on some of them.
ibglowin said:
Pics of the "fancy paper" or it never happened!

I gotta draw the line somewhere with what I will disclose here on a public forum. In order to see it you will need to visit in person.
How else will you get the whole experience?

Just remember you now have a winery open to the "public" and you will be dealing every day with the "public" who walk in off the street. Get ready for a few flakes every now and then!

appleman said:
I gotta draw the line somewhere with what I will disclose here on a public forum. In order to see it you will need to visit in person.
  How else will you get the whole experience?