Rich -- the room really looks great -- and I'll bet you're doing it in the middle of, or alongside, all the other irons you have in the fire!
I have no suggestions for the floor material, but I am reminded of a friend who years ago was the superintendent of the Lincoln Home in Springfield, Illinois. They had to shut down the house for several months to rebuild the entry, front halls, etc. The locals were not pleased and in an "ambush" TV interview he had a mic thrust in his face and asked, "How can you justify shutting down one of the most popular tourist attractions for three months?" His reply was, "Well, when Mr. Lincoln built this house, he didn't anticipate a million people a year walking up his front steps!"
I don't know you'll get to that level, but I sure hope that soon you'll be saying, "We need to buy more stools!"
I wish you great success!