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We hit a new record tonight. 2 females at the same time. Wait, I think 2 females as this is the internet.

Men are men, women are men and the children are in danger.:db
Not pointing fingers here but please clean up after yourselves. If not for me then do it for Buford. I startled him today and caught him smoking. Someone left a cigarette in the ash tray last night and I guess Buford has picked up a bad habit.

Again not pointing fingers at anyone by Nikki admitted to lurking around when no one was around.

Dan, check her out good, it was a menthol cigarette. I got Buford on the patch now. I just hate to think about what he was doing that he felt he had to light up.
It certainly wasn't what he SAW in the chat room that made him crave that smoke, right Dan? RIGHT DAN??

You know the line Debbie. What happens in the chat room, stays in the chat room. I will tell you it was quiet a grand finally after the show. Even Lauren was smiling.
Did you notice all those patriotic decorations I put up earlier?
I thought it would be a nice touch for the holiday weekend. I just hope Buford doesn't rip it down! He will eat darned near anything!

That popcorn machine isn't working quite right... can someone take a look at it? I've got a craving for some nice buttery popcorn.

That popcorn machine isn't working quite right... can someone take a look at it? I've got a craving for some nice buttery popcorn.


This would be due to the wad of hair in the tray. Goat hair. Apparently Buford licked up all the butter but didn't touch the kernels.

I cleaned and sanitized it all out and put a clasp on the door so Buford doesn't get in there again. I put him outside for the night because I gotta feeling that all that butter and goat food is gonna be a slippery thing at some point.

This goat is getting spoined but he is soooo cute.

Happy Memorial Day everyone. Thanks to all the Veterans
Thanks for looking at that machine for me. Now I can put on a good movie and have some popcorn to go with it. I'm going to crack open a bottle of black pee to go with it...(black currant).

Storms missed us again today... thankfully. Oldest Daughter is on her way back from fishing with her Dad's family... she has to go to work tomorrow... newspaper editors don't get long weekends when the weekly paper comes out on Tues! The youngest will be home tomorrow night. Now that she's 21, I expect she will party with her friends instead of hanging around here when she's home to visit. She goes back to work on Wed, so it will get quiet again!

The patch isn't working for Buford, Steve. He was checking everybody out last nite lookin for another smoke. He found a pack and practically attacked Mik trying to get at them. Gotta find another way to try and get him to stop. Arne.
does anyone have one of those electronic cigarettes that when you puff on it you get the smoke but not the nicotine that we can give Buford to try and get him to quite smoking I don't think we will ever be able to get to quite drinking
does anyone have one of those electronic cigarettes that when you puff on it you get the smoke but not the nicotine that we can give Buford to try and get him to quite smoking I don't think we will ever be able to get to quite drinking

I have 1 but it's still got nicotine in it! LOL!

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