Senior Member
So, does he like "his rabbit" before or after his concerns with Bernadette?
that could be taken in so many bad ways lolBe kind! He is a very neat person and very anal about everything he does.
I have learned sooo much on this forum......I found out these rabbits use double A batteries, I am thinking about buying one, and let it dangle from my rear view mirror, also thinking they might make great christmas presents for the kids??
Is the entertainment on the 28th or 29th... you have it listed one way in the flyer and another in your comment. I don't want to miss it.
Apparently I need "edu-makating". I don't know about "the rabbit". We have lots of furry creatures in the yard we call rabbits, but I suspect I have the wrong species here!
But the bigger question is....
Ok Folks It's Official
Spoiled Rotten will be entertaining us on
July 29, 2011
get your tickets early
see the attached flyer
Ok, I'm getting my vocal chords warmed up for Friday night, the 29th.. I'm planning on doing one of my Elvis numbers. Be watching!