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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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I needed to replace the beer that has been consumed over the past few weeks but didnt have the energy to do an all grainer so i cheated and went to my LHBS and bought a True brew Red Ale kit which Ive just started and a liquid yeast smack pack so Ill get to try one of these . I never did this as i went from one no boil kit right to all grain and never looked back but sometimes an all day'er and then the cleanup is just too much for me especially when i have wine work to do like I do today. I have to rack my second run chilean blend Zin/Cab, rack and add fining agent to my dandelion wine since it just doesnt want to clear on its own, and then finally bottle the OCP and the Banana Pineapple Voignier. Ok, Im tired all ready just from typing and thinking about this.
Wish I could come over and help ya Wade. I'm free this afternoon.....
Wade, nothing wrong to do an extract. You need to make 10 gallon AG batches and get ahead. Thats why I keg. So easy. also takes less storage space in my Beer/Wine cellar. LOL

I've been busy aging my 11 Chilean and 2 Italian carboys and8 different "fruit" carboys . Oh yea 10 gallons of AG Choc/Oatmeal Stout
BY AG tepe you mean all grain??

I am hoping to try to make another stout. I will have to do extract for the time being. I would like to make chocolate oatmeal stout..... That sounds good. Can you share with me your recipe?
AG = All grain thats what I do. I will say its great for "breakfast"
You can find just about any recipe you can think of by Googling and it will lead you to a beer site with someones recipe or you can ask your LHBS and most of them can conjure up a good concoction Tepe, I do keg and have 2 kegs in there right now but ones getting low. I also have sparkling crab apple wine on tap that is to die for and a spare keg just witing in the wind. If there is anyone out there that has the room for a fridge and can afford a kegging set up i advise you do go this route as its just so much better and way easier and will pay for itself in the long run with time and money plus you can use the C02 to displace lost volume in your carboys when racking wine.
Must be a brew day. Hubby & oldest son are brewing something ......... an English Bitter?? They are brewing a high gravity porter tomorrow, this one will sit on oak for a while, yum! First time making an AG and they are having a blast.
It sure is a great day but sometimes it can be tiresome also!I didnt get all I wanted done as when i opened my cork humidor I was lower then I thought and didnt have enough to bottle both batches but everything else got done and George gets another order cause I wont use any other corks but his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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