Cherry Wine Low Acidity and Bitterness

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lol we all have our own tastes as to how we like the sweetness. You might want to slowly bring the sweet up from dry and keep tasting. I like sweet stuff, but bet 1.040 would be way sweeter than I would like. Just try sweetening a test sample and see what your taste buds say. No offence, dawg, but yours would be way to sweet for me. You know everybody has an opinion, probably would like a glass or two of your wine. Know I would, but mine is usually way less sweet. tell you what I don't like tho, the weather is on and they are talking record cold around here, low in the minus teens, high still below zero. Havn't seen that around here for a long long time and hope it is even longer before it happens again. Take care all, ARNE.
none taking,,,,,, i was merely explaining the way i do mine, and pointed out that for different fruits/berries are different, and third one of my post above of mine,, I mentioned to taste, but yes i used my taste as base try,, as for weather we are supposed to get to 1 degree tonight,
today is a beautiful day to sip wine under the shade tree and smoke meatView attachment 71661 View attachment 71660
see @Arne
just pick any tree you like
Lol, looks kinda like it does around here. Only not enough snow. Glad this is happening at the end of winter instead of at the beginning. Sounds like it is going to gradually warm up. Funny when 2 above sounds like warming up. Should get up to freezing by sometime Sunday. gonna be another mess with snow melt. Oh well, don't have to go much of anywhere. Doctors tomorrow but the roads are pretty good. Make a run to the store for groceries while in town. Keep the wood stove going. Should rack and bottle some wine but the basement is too cold to work down there. Not cold enough to freeze the water, though. Life is good. Arne.
Lol, looks kinda like it does around here. Only not enough snow. Glad this is happening at the end of winter instead of at the beginning. Sounds like it is going to gradually warm up. Funny when 2 above sounds like warming up. Should get up to freezing by sometime Sunday. gonna be another mess with snow melt. Oh well, don't have to go much of anywhere. Doctors tomorrow but the roads are pretty good. Make a run to the store for groceries while in town. Keep the wood stove going. Should rack and bottle some wine but the basement is too cold to work down there. Not cold enough to freeze the water, though. Life is good. Arne.
last night my nephewcame ove and wanted a glass of wine, he helps me a lot, so i said no problem, did not know till this morning he'd shut off the water dribble, yup last night -3,, today solid water/ice lines,,,, oh the joys of being uncle richie,,, lol
Hope it warms up so you can get things thawed out. We had a bit of a break last night. 2 degrees at bedtime and 6 this morning. That is above zero that 20 below was a bit much the night before. We will see how things go today. Hope the wind stays down or we will have ground blizzards for sure. All that light fluffy snow we got hasn't had any warm sun on it. not locked down so can blow and blow and blow. And consider yourself lucky to have a creek with open water. Think I would of led everything but the cattle and chickens to the creek instead of bringing the creek to them tho. But, that is the lazy guy in me. Arne.l
Hope it warms up so you can get things thawed out. We had a bit of a break last night. 2 degrees at bedtime and 6 this morning. That is above zero that 20 below was a bit much the night before. We will see how things go today. Hope the wind stays down or we will have ground blizzards for sure. All that light fluffy snow we got hasn't had any warm sun on it. not locked down so can blow and blow and blow. And consider yourself lucky to have a creek with open water. Think I would of led everything but the cattle and chickens to the creek instead of bringing the creek to them tho. But, that is the lazy guy in me. Arne.
it ain't like when i was younger,, now i throw a barrel or two in the Kubota side by side drive down to the creek, bucket up the barrel, then drive to each pen or pasture and bucket out of the barrel, my biggest problem is i ain't washed no eggs for today will be three days now, so i got better then 7 or 8 dozen eggs not washed, the good is after the ground finally froze, the eggs now do not have mud on them, before my hens went puddle wading before going to the nests with muddy feet ,, i got 7 dozen clean and in cartons and even more that are stacking up, much more,,, and I'll be giving to the neighbors with a wash your own note,,, lol
Eventually got round to testing this. Got a cheapo pH meter and some calibration powder and deionised water, did the cal at 4 and 6.86 then measured the wine @ 17 degC and it came out at 4.06. Seems the colour of it was messing with my ph strips and it's got some acid after all. Sounds about right given a starting pH of about 3.8.

Then I added 0.5g/500ml Tartaric acid which brought the pH of the wine down to 3.78, and bench tested the original, the added acid, acid + 1.6g/100ml sugar, acid + 3.2g/100ml sugar. Sugar was added in sucralose equivalents as I'd prefer to do that with the finished wine rather than add sugar + sorbate. All tested at 17degC.

Both of us agreed that the original was the best for a table wine with food, although the 1.6g sugar and acid would be nice as a social wine. Just the added acid seemed to have a tang like the flavour wasn't fully integrated. I think I got overly concerned about any bitterness before as it didn't seem to noticeable this time. Adding extra sugar didn't really bring out more cherry flavour and I think that's gone, it is very fruity though with good colour and has a touch of vanilla and almond. As it's still young I would normally drink it cooler than this as well but wanted to get all the flavours out.

Overall I think the result is do nothing, it's pretty good as is and I think there's enough acid to protect it. Have to see how it develops over the next few months.

I understand what a lot of you guys are saying re adding sugar to fruit wines, my taste is for drier stuff though and wanted this to be a dry table wine. I drink most things with FG sub 1, each to their own.

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