Cleaning a Portuguese Floor Corker.

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Rennaisance Man
Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
South Cental Pennsylvania
Has anyone pulled their corker apart to clean it?

Just on a whim last night, I pulled the top cover off to see how it worked and how difficult it might be to disassemble for cleaning purposes. Fairly complicate guts - not sure tearing it down is a good idea.

How do you clean your corker?
I never use k-meta on it as it'll cause rusting. I wipe it down with alcohol and the wet a paper towel with alcohol and push it though the corker like a cork.
Yep, if you keep it dry all it needs is a quick wipe down with an alcohol wipe.

Now if yougotta take it apart, number the jaws and take a picture. It's not that hard to put back together but if you mix the jaws it won't work right.
I believe the jaws are made to be replaced. So, it should not be too difficult to clean that part.
I take an unused cork soaked in kmeta and squeeze it through the corker as if I am corking a bottle. I repeat this a few times before I start any corking. Using alcohol instead of the k-meta is probably better. I'll do that next time.

I took it apart once and it was a pain to put back together.
I have taken apart, cleaned, and reassembled my original corker several times before the purchase of a new one.

They are rather easy to disassemble, but a real pain to put back together. Those springs makes it a little hard.

I would take off the cover and try to clean the "guts" with the workings still in place rather than take it apart. Get a couple of mini "bottle brushes" and you should be able to clean with a little work.
They are pretty simple to pull apart, clean, food grade lube and put back together. I plan on doing after every season.
what do you use for food grade lube. and where would you apply it.

i just picked up an old italian floor corker and pulled it apart to give a much needed cleaning. could use some paint as well. are there instructions online for assembly/disassembly/cleaning?

thx for the tips. i think i will use vaseline for now, put it back together and see how/if it works OK. if everything seems good, i may totally dismantle it and give it a coat of paint. i didn't pay anything for it so its worth a shot


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