I do not know of anyone else that does this, but it sure works great..
I have scraped, soaked, and scrubbed bottles until my hands were raw. On day it hit me... THE BEST WAY TO CLEAN A BOTTLE....EVER!
I first built a cradle that can hold a bottle out of some wood (for support and legs) and thick wire mesh (to serve as a cradle). once complete, I simply slip a bottle into the cradle and then blast it with an electric pressure washer. In a matter of seconds, the labels come off and I am left with a clean bottle. It even works great on those pesky plastic labels that are held on with rubber cement!
I have cleaned THOUSANDs of bottles this way and never had one break on me. The only thing you need to remember is to, first, wear safty goggles and, second, set your pressure washer nossel to a wide "fan" when you start.