Cleaning the Spoon

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uavwmn said:
NW.......that is hilarious!!!!

It's true....

I cover the spigots with a rubber glove finger and rubber band....Safe Fermenting....

Who knows what crawls into those spigots....and, dog and cat hair...dust bunnies rolling around....

What ever gets into the, the first thing to come out when you are emptying the bucket.....
I wash my hands and tools prior to doing any wine work where product is potentially exposed to any tools I am using.

I make a fresh batch of meta weekly and keep it by my sink in the wine area to remind me. I use a spray bottle and gallons container.I wash my spoons/paddles with water and spritz them with my meta solutionbefore and after usage. I do wash them from time to time using StraightA cleaner.

I keep plenty of paper towels around,as the nights wear on, the spills are more frequent. :)
nw, oo oo, good idea on covering the spigots. I have cats and dogs running around here!!!
Reckon I'll hafta 'fess up. Got my first batch..3 gal. of apple raspberry..workin' and I'm already a spoon-licker.
Well you guys got to me. Hadn't thought about being a spoon licker but I just racked my Meg Cab del Vento and boy was that spoon licken good
Forgive me Father, I have sinned. It has been23liters, I mean days,since my last confession . . .
Northern Winos said:
I use a finger cut from rubber gloves to cover the spigots on my primary/bottling buckets...Soak the finger in K-Meta [sulfite] solution and find over time the rubber finger melts away.

Now that is an example of dedication to the utmost sanitation. I just wash my hands and dip them in iodophor. But my Navy father would love your method. I have always been a bit rebellious against too much cleanliness given my father's Navy **** and span background.

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