Mosti Mondiale clearing alljuice barolo

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Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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hi all,

I have a alljuice barolo that has been bulk aging for three months at around 65 degrees i have added the siligel and liquigel about ten days ago and noticed at around day five it did not look very clear keep in mind that i have racked off of the lees twice during bulk aging anyway i then put the carboy in a temperature controlled room and brought the temp up to about 70 degrees and a lot nore sediment dropped out but looking into the carboy i still notice a lot of bound particles still in suspension mind you it is now day 10, if i slightly tilt the carboy the sediment goes up a little and when i rest the carboy comes down a little but not any further? a lot of sediment did fall out so my questions are

1. do i just wait untill all sediment drops even though it looks that way?
2. do i rack and then use super kleer?
3. is use two different clearing agents on the same batch and does that sometimes happen?
3. I really do not want to filter it socould i attach a fine mesh bag to my auto siphon and then rack?
your help would be gratly appreciated BTW i tasted this with a friend who has been making wine from fresh grapes for a long time and told him not to expect much as this has to age for about a year and after he tasted it he is now going to buy alljuice, i have tasted his wine and i did not say anything but the barolo blew it away at three months and this has also prompted me to save my pennies for next years meglioli, i could truly drink this wine right now!!!!!!!!
If it was me... I would cover it up and walk away for a while. To see what a little more time does to it. Why don't you want to filter it?
2 reasons1 i do not have a filter yet and 2 i have read that with reds you really do not have to but there really is not any other reason. but i will have to get a filter when i do whites.
Did you degas this wine good? If not that might be why as C02 suspended in the wine will keep solids suspended.
yes degassed completely. have you ever had this happen? is it a comon occurance? It almost seems as if there are so many solids in this wine that it needs to be racked to clear some more. I will probably wait a couple more days and then rack it if it looks really clear i will bottle if not is it o.k. to use super clear or should i just let it settle out by itself?
Sometimes wines just need us to practice some patience and they'll clear in their own time. As long as you have degassed the wine I'd let it sit and if in a couple of weeks it still has not cleared use superkleer. Also, I know a lot of folks like to rack the wine several times but letting it sit on the fine lees will not hurt your wine, and save you some work as well as add some complexity and mouth feel to the wine.
Ok your right i normally have a lot of patience and i guess i just want to get it bottle to age but your right i will wait and check every couple of days to see the progress if in a couple of weeks it is still not clear then i will rack and use super kleer. Thanks for the advice and stimulating my patience threshold.