You can make up a stronger cold brew, like a quart or 2 and blend it with your wine before you backsweeten. But then you may have to divide the batch up into another smaller carboy because of the additional cold brew.Darn! Yes that was the mistake! I'll know better next time. As it is its not all bad so doing it right will be great. Thanks for catching my mistake.
All good ideas. I did backsweeten all ready but it should still be OK to add strong cold brew to prop it up before I bottle it .You can make up a stronger cold brew, like a quart or 2 and blend it with your wine before you backsweeten. But then you may have to divide the batch up into another smaller carboy because of the additional cold brew.
You can also add some glycerin, like a 1/2 oz per gallon. But this will also sweeten the wine a bit so it's good to add this prior to backsweetening. Glycerin will improve the mouth feel of a thin wine.