Cooking in the Wilderness

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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
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Sometimes you need to improvise.

Sometimes even opening a wine bottle can be a challenge.

Brats on the computer.jpg

cardboard cooker.jpg

pizza toaster.jpg


bottle opener.jpg
What the heck is that contraption with the dishwasher and the grill supposed to be? I almost have to edit that last pic, any skimpier and that pic would have to go into my private collection!!! LOL
Its a smoker silly!!!

And so is she! I am willing to bet she gets that smoker working! But mostly I hope she gets the cork outta there!

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That was awsome...I could amagine people doing these things regularlly over hear in WV....
well really boy scout stuff there

This topic did demand I read
I recall blue gill on a stick over an open fire - age 11
Even earlier I was catching Craw Dads in a WV creek and boiling the tails in an old tomato soup can with creek water
Not exactly General Jackson or Lewis and Clark but definitely My Side Of The Mountain
Alaska must be having a heat wave for somebody to be wearing a costume like that. Or maybe she is just HOT. Arne.
Alaska must be having a heat wave for somebody to be wearing a costume like that. Or maybe she is just HOT. Arne.

Arne, there are only 2 seasons in Alaska. Winter and the 4th of July. :)
You may be a redneck if ???

The electric stove element in the cardboard box is a little scary, the rest functional.....
Thats where I got those from Rob. Thanks for posting the link. There really are some great things on there. Cracks me up everytime I go there.

When you are on that page, scroll to the bottom and go to some of the other links provided. There is some funny stuff for sure.

Sometimes we just have to have a reason to laugh!!


Hers a good one from there.

I actually have a friend who is working on something like this, based on this very picture from that site.


So many inventions we come up with and so little time.:slp

big bike.jpg
Here is some real wilderness cooking.

Pictures from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. Rated as one of the most scenic places on earth.


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Gotta love that Dale. From time to time I feel quilty because I live in one of the last great wilderness places left on Earth and I know there are many who will never experience the tranquility that being in the wild brings to the soul.
Gotta love that Dale. From time to time I feel quilty because I live in one of the last great wilderness places left on Earth and I know there are many who will never experience the tranquility that being in the wild brings to the soul.

Or the pants peeing terror of having Mrs. Moose inviting herself into your cabin to have a round of beer with ya. Lol, Arne.
Gotta love that Dale. From time to time I feel quilty because I live in one of the last great wilderness places left on Earth and I know there are many who will never experience the tranquility that being in the wild brings to the soul.

Have you ever been able to get out to the bush? That hase some absolutely breathtaking areas! I remember thinking how so much of it KS untouched by human hands!
Shoe, I only live 100yrds from the "bush"!

Spent my first 2 1/2 yrs here living 50 miles from civilization. No plumbing, electricity, phone, the internet wasn't around then. We had to snowmachine almost 20 miles off the hiway just to get there. To get my schooling stuff, a plane would fly over and kick an orange bag out the door.

The first time I was ever in an airplane was a Cessna 180 on floats. Flew out of Christmas lake in Talkeetna. I went with Doug Geeting, one of the best known bush pilots ever. He flew many, many mountain climbers onto the glaciers around Mt. McKinley, so they could start there ascent.

I came here when I was 13 from Milwaukee, I had not even ever been camping before. It was quite the lifestyle change. 32 yrs later, I still don't camp. I do it almost everyday!! LOL

So the answer to your question i yes. I have been to the "bush". LOL

P.S. Hats off to Westerville, I have two sisters who live there!
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Hey cid,

I just curious, and I hope these questions are not too personal..

I am a jersey boy. Our state is so overpopulated that you tend to check to see if someone is living in your pants before you put them on in the morning.

I live only 20 miles from the PA border, and away from most of the overcrowding and industry that hug the east coast. It is rather nice in the western portion of the state (most in my town have 4 acre lots) with the added benefit of being able to drive to the industrial areas for work.

The down side is that EVERYONE drives!. My commute is not so bad (35 miles, but 75 minutes).

So in light of what I am used to ... My questions...

If you are so remote, then what do you do for a living?

Are there stores by you for supplies? Do you purchase all you need (in bulk) at specific times of the year? What if you forget something?

How do you get connected to the internet? Through Phone Lines?

What do you do for heat?

Do you get cabin feaver during the winter? Is there any getting out after the snows come? If not, then how do you occupy your time?

PLEASE, do not take what I am asking a a critisism. My intent could not be farther from that. It is just that (in NJ) I am thinking I take it for granted the convieniences that abound. I also wonder If I rely on them too much.

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