Cork Humidor

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You guys are on a much bigger scale than me......

I only had to eat 1/2 gallon of ice Cream to get my humidor but working well. I did have to post a warning on top......KEEP UPRIGHT...HUMIDOR...if anyonearound here can figure out what that means.....everyone pretty much leaves my wine stuff alone.

RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
What would all y'all think about using a covered 5 gallon pail? I have some that I got drywall "mud" in at one point. I could clean and sanitize one of these and then have an airtight container.

Would this work???

Just make sure you clean it really well I guess. Not sure if its food grade but I dont think its as critical as your not fermenting wine in there.
I like the humidor idea, but I have a couple of questions. One, can I always store my corks in the humidor and make sure the plastic jar is always filled with k-meta? Two, when I'm ready to bottle can I take the cork from the humidor and start corking? thanks
Yes and yes. The only thing that needs to be done is change the k-meta out every month and a half or so. You can also store anything not metal such as wine thief, hydrometer, etc,etc. No metal, not even stainless.

Edited by: wade
Thanks wade.I have one more question.I'm using a plastic quart jar with plastic lid how much k-meta and water should I put in the jar?
Maybe if you a fit a 375 ml bottle filled with the k-meta solution or something near that size that will fit.
I keep corks in mine all the time. When I bottle and use them up, I immediately fill it back up with new ones.

I have an old spice bottle(glass with plastic lid about 4" high
by 1" diameter) with holes drilled in the lid to keep the cork from
falling in. There is about 1/2" K-meta in the bottom and about 1" of

Whenever I open it up, I have to be careful. If I breathe too
close to it, I make really funny faces and noises. Does the K-meta
really need to be replenished?

bill keiser
As long as the smell when you open it up is strong, the K-meta is fine. If you open it up and don't get knocked over by the smell, then it's time for more K-meta solution. Edited by: PeterZ
Would it be bad for the corks to absorb K-Meta fumes for months and months? Will it eventually work to break down the corks?
I'll let masta weigh in on that one, but my thought is no. SO2, the gas given off by the bisulfite, attaches to metals, forming a metal-sulfide complex. That is how it kills bacteria - by binding up the metals the cells need for respiration. I don't think metal ions play any role in the integrity of the corks.
My thinking and lack of evidence showing otherwise is that there would not be anylong term effects to corks being kept in humidor due to the SO2. Cork manufacturers actually ship their corks in large sacks that are filled with SO2 for protection. What is known is that long term storage of corks exposed to air (even if inside sealed bags because they do provide a completely 100% seal against the outside environment)will cause them to become brittle and useless.

Found this quote from Tim Vandergrift of Winexpert which seems to back my theory:

"The environment inside a cork humidor raises the moisture content of the cork to between 6 and 8%, in a high sulfur dioxide environment. This allows the corks to maintain pliancy while preventing the growth of mold and mildew. It has no net negative effects on the corks otherwise."
Edited by: masta

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