Corking and a Corker

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So, I went shopping. (been doing a lot of that stuff for winemaking lately hah)

I picked up the Portuguese floor corker, and a bunch of other stuff that I was going to need.

Priced everything out from different places, then priced it out on the Label Peelers website I keep hearing about here and they beat everyone (even Amazon) by $30 including shipping! If their service is as good as everyone says, I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of business with them. :)

Thank you everyone for your input.

When it is time to bottle, cork a few bottles with that hand corker. You'll have a tremendous appreciation for that floor corker. ;)
You want to hold onto that double lever hand corker if you have one. It came in very handy when I bottled 6 gallons of port and used some of the tall "Bellissima" 375 bottles. One batch fit into the floor corker just fine while the other batch was just a tad too tall to fit into the floor corker and the only way to cork them was using that POS double lever hand corker.

I have the Portuguese corker and love it, threw out the kit corker, what a pita. Have also switched to Nomacorks and have not had any problem with creases or leakage with #9 x 1 1/2
If you have the space, put some plywood on the bottom of your floor corker to keep it from moving around while corking. I use a 1" x 16" x 48"