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ttortorice said:
So are you keeping the hose in the corkador for long term storage? Are you cleaning and re-sanitizing the hose prior to use? Do you do this with synthetic corks also?

I am either using colmated corks or perfect corks from George. After I clean and sanitize thehoses I leave them in the buckets all the time. No need to resanitize after retrieving them from the corkadore.
ttortorice said:
So are you keeping the hose in the corkador for long term storage? Are you cleaning and re-sanitizing the hose prior to use? Do you do this with synthetic corks also?

I use the 9 x 1-3/4, high end. My thoughts are I have a floor corker, I don't really know how long I will be storing, and the cost isn't much more. I usually am opening wine at home with a simple ratchet type corkscrew. No problem. However, on my last vacation I took a bottle with me and a simple pull-type corkscrew. I could not pull that cork out. Granted, I'm no Schwarzeneger, but that cork was not coming out. This happened also at a friends house. I've learned since to bring my own corkscrew. I've had to dig corks out with a pocket knife myself and it's not real fun, and a little embarrassing.

I am using a strainer and pouring the solution over and letting them drain about 30 minutes. But they are still damp. MaybeI need to change that?