I see the big N on the grill. Do you live in Nebraska?
Yes, been here all my life. West side of Omaha.
Papillion? Wife grew up there. She went to Papillion High School.
Have ingredients for two batches of this. Started one last Friday evening (Tuesday morning now). The must looks great and the fruit bag has also reduced down nicely. I only used 30oz of lemon juice and probably 8 lbs of fruit. 20C sugar for SG of 1.080. Tannin, nutrient, energizer additives as per recipe.
I originally pitched Red Star Cotes des blancs Saturday afternoon (waited 24h) and nothing still by this morning so I sprinkled EC1118.
Maybe the 1/4tsp KMeta caused the Cotes des blancs to not start that quickly. All other kits so far have started within 12h using EC1118.
Was hoping to rack to secondary by this Sat so couldn't wait any longer to see if it eventually kicked in and I sprinkled the EC1118.
Some of the berries were not store bought so used kmeta to sterilize/kill any wild yeasts that may have been active.
I usually use kmeta on fresh fruit like you would sanitize equipment. Spray it on, mix it around let it sit and rinse. All before primary and then I don't need to add kmeta to the must. I only add kmeta in secondary.
I might give this a try though...especially on fresh/not frozen fruit...
I believe that wild yeasts are not a problem with frozen fruits because the prolonged freezing and processing eliminates the wild yeasts' viability.
Just started a mango, pineapple blend here with 15 pounds of fruit.
Entered my original Dragon's Blood wine in our local county fair and won FIRST PLACE! WHOOP! WHOOP!
Entered my original Dragon's Blood wine in our local county fair and won FIRST PLACE! WHOOP! WHOOP!