Trouble Clearing several batches of wine.. Mostly the Dragon Blood Recipe..
Been a while since I have been on here..
This is one of my favorite recipes.. I have made it a bunch of times.. It is usually a very fast clearing wine..
This time, it is clearing super, super slow..
I have thought about it several times while waiting.. I can't think of anything I did different..
If I did, I went back and corrected it and tried it again..
Only main difference.. I tried a much finer powdered bentonite clay this time, thinking it would hydrate better than the more granular version I put in a blender and run for 5 minutes and then seep/boil for 15 or 20 minutes, but, I have even gone back and used the original Bentonite and did the blending and seeping and I still am looking at a very, very slow clearing wine..
The only other thing I didn't do is stir it daily, like I usually do, so I can't go back and fix that.. But, I am sure I have made a batch without stirring like I should have before.. At least didn't stir it like I should have.. This batch, I didn't stir at all.. Just started it and finished it...
I am the crazy guy who kills the yeast at the end of Primary(Potassium Sorbate and Metabisulfite), stirs, then pulls a vacuum on his brews to degass,then adds the Bentonite, stirs, and usually the wine clears over night with the bentonite clay mix... I may have one more subsequent racking maybe a week later to keep from having the dust in the bottom of the bottles.. Never any heavy settlements..
I make a 12 or 15 gallon batch every year and have never seen it not clear, or this slow clearing before..
Anyone have any ideas to clear it quickly??
I have 2-6 gallon batches and 1-5 gallon and 2-1gallon batches..
I did one "Full Body=6lbs fruit, two with 3lbs fruit=light wine, and the others were different frozen fruit juice mixes I was trying (New Recipes)..
All but one are having the same problem..
The second run, using the older more granular bentonite cleared the other gallon over night, but, not like it usually clears.. 2 Weeks after the second application of bentonite clay, and it just now looks ready to bottle.. Usually, it is overnight..
I had a real hard time with a bananna wine one time.. Thought it would never clear.. Read somewhere to use an extract of boiled "Old Bananas", and it worked like a charm.. But, I figured it was for Bananna wines??
Ready to try anything to see what works.. Not worried about changing the flavor, etc at this point..
Any ideas are very welcome.. I promised 5 gallons of this to a friend for a wedding party... It's making me a bit nervous.. Ha..