I believe the gentleman you are alluding to was Finnish.
Luc Lumeisenman ??
Luc Lumeisenman ??
Thanks for the info. I'm just a little anxious because all my experience has been with kits and they all fermented faster then this DB and oft at lower temperatures than the pretty steady 80F +- for this DB batch.
I think that I'm going to pull the fruit out Wednesday even if I find the SG is a bit over 1.000. Give it one last good stir and lock it down. Check it on day 14.
The acetone-like smell is likely from the alcohol. Acetone (used in nail polish remover) is usually derived by oxidation of isopropyl alcohol or by bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates. If you are concerned, rack it to a carboy to finish up under airlock. I have never had a batch smell like that.
Did this happen because if was pushing on the lid and it wasn't on all the way??? ...