Started a 100 gal batch of blueberry dragons blood tonight.
My first thought was "Whoa! That is half of your yearly quota -- spent on DB!?!?"
My second thought was "Hah! Greg does not have a yearly quota anymore!" Nice work!

Started a 100 gal batch of blueberry dragons blood tonight.
I hope you can buy them cheaper than I can. $13.95 a case @ my LHBS. The bottles cost me as much as the wine. With dragon blood anyway.
Have you thought about pint mason jars, after all your not planning on long aging with this are you?
Have you checked local restaurants that serve wine? I presently have about 60 cases of bottles. Nearly all from that source. They are usually glad to have you pick them up. Might cost you a bottle of wine occasionally. Also the time to clean off the labels.
Well, it's definitely fermenting. Guess I shouldn't have stirred it.