This is my first batch of DB. I've been following the recipe as closely as possible. 12 days ago I transferred from primary into glass. SG had been at 0.992 for two days. I used my AIO wine pump to make the transfer so as to degas at the same time. Because of using this method, I decided to rack the wine twice to make sure it was thoroughly degassed. I added k-meta and sorbate per the recipe and used Sparkalloid for fining.
It has cleared nicely, but I keep seeing tiny little bubbles rising to the top. I even turned off the lights and shined a flashlight through to check if that's indeed what I was seeing. Sure enough, I've got several streams of tiny bubbles coming up from the bottom. And there is no movement in the airlock. I checked to make sure all was securely sealed. Sure enough, it is.
Is this unusual for DB? I'm reluctant to bottle while I'm still seeing this. I confess, I haven't read all 300 pages of this thread, so I may be raising something that's already gotten a lot of time.