Deep Freeze Dry Yeast (EC-1118) ?

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Mar 14, 2014
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....... is it possible to deep freeze Lalvin EC-1118 ?

If yes, please give me some tips how to proceed.

Any feedback would be very much appreciated .......
I've read somewhere that freezing yeast isn't recommended. Just like the fruit we freeze in order to cause ice crystals to break open their cell walls, yeast can be susceptible to that same damage. Perhaps not always, but potentially. Why risk it?

I keep mine in the refrigerator on the top shelf of the door.
....... thanks for both of your replies.

You said you're keeping it for several month in the fridge, I have some EC-1118 in there for about 2 years but these are aluminum vacuum packs.

They are still ok, even though I've got the feeling that the yeast is going a little weaker now.

I'm expecting a big pack in the near future and I'm worried that after opening the vacuum pack that it wont last as long as the sealed packs.

Would diverting into several zip-lock bags be good enough ?

Thanks again for your help .......
....... thanks for both of your replies.

You said you're keeping it for several month in the fridge, I have some EC-1118 in there for about 2 years but these are aluminum vacuum packs.

They are still ok, even though I've got the feeling that the yeast is going a little weaker now.

I'm expecting a big pack in the near future and I'm worried that after opening the vacuum pack that it wont last as long as the sealed packs.

Would diverting into several zip-lock bags be good enough ?

Thanks again for your help .......

You're welcome. That's how I keep mine (in the fridge in a ziplock sandwich bag). Never been any issues so long as the yeast isn't expired.

I did have one Montrachet expire once so I used two packs of it on the next batch.
I bought a bunch of yeast packets in a going out of business sale. I stored them in plastic bags in my refrigerator and used all of them well pass their expiration date. Only one failed to work.
I bought a bunch of yeast packets in a going out of business sale. I stored them in plastic bags in my refrigerator and used all of them well pass their expiration date. Only one failed to work.

Do you remember which one failed? How far past the expiration was it?
I don't remember what kind it was but I'm sure it was at least a year over the expiration date. Maybe 2. Others that were about as old did work.
I knew I could just throw in another packet of yeast the next day if the first one didn't work.

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