WineXpert Degassing Gewurzt ?

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Dec 10, 2007
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I'm degassing my Gewurztraminer today. Tried the wine wipe method and got quite a bit of the CO2 out but not all. So now I'm using the brake bleeder. My question is with the brake bleeder. I've been pumping it up to the 27. It falls to 15 and maintains that.

I read something that once it falls to 22 and holds that you are done. Mine has been falling to 15ish and holding there. Is it done degassing or should I still be pumping it up to 27 and letting it fall through the night?

Thanks in advance for responses.
15 is pretty good if you can hold that for a few hours. If you could get it a bit higher then great but some set ups will noy hlod under that much pressure due to small leaks.
Your welcome....but I was just passing on theinfo that George has provided. The thanks should be passed to George and his crew. Jeff
Edit: Recently I was de-gassing with a brake bleeder, a MM VN Pinot Noir, I held a vacuum for 60 hours but only in the last hour was I able to hold 20" of Hg. Food (or wine) for thought. Happy Fermenting
Edited by: Jeff H
Jeff H said:
Your welcome....but I was just passing on theinfo that George has provided. The thanks should be passed to George and his crew. Jeff
Edit: Recently I was de-gassing with a brake bleeder, a MM VN Pinot Noir, I held a vacuum for 60 hours but only in the last hour was I able to hold 20" of Hg. Food (or wine) for thought. Happy Fermenting

I thank you George for all your hard work on our great hobby!

Thanks again to all! Plus George you rock!

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