Did I Leave SP Too Long in Primary?

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Apr 9, 2014
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Hey all, I made up my second 5gal batch of SP the day I bottled the first batch on 06/25/14. Good thing too, the first one went quickly! This batch started at 1.090 Anyways, a few days in to it, my hydrometer broke (doh!). Due to circumstances, I haven't been able to procure another one and have been doing this one on guesswork. I was stirring it daily and about a week ago pitched the last half of the nutrients. It's had a healthy cap except for the last couple days when it just had a bubbly film and I finally racked it into a carboy today 07/11/14. I didn't see any bubbling really which I usually observe within a couple minutes or less of fitting the airlock. I still haven't been able to get a hydrometer, so I don't know what's going on beyond look, smell and taste. I smelled and tasted it but I can't tell if what I'm sensing is alcohol or vinegar.

Given how long it was in primary (16 days), is it a good bet I have a 5 gallon batch of vinegar on my hands? Or am I too worried? Should have a hydrometer on Monday hopefully. I was supposed to have gotten one a few days ago in the mail, but Chicago Homebrew didn't seem to realize that one must cushion delicate glass instruments when you send them to prevent it from just breaking in the box :m:m:m
16 days is a little long. I did a long primary once, but then I put a lid on it, and left it undisturbed.

You don't have vinegar yet. Not enough time for that. But, you may have introduced a lot of O2 with your daily stirring. I'll let the more experienced guys tell you how much K-Meta to add to deal with the O2.
So I taste tested a glass today from the half gallon run off and I'm pretty convinced that it has vinegared since I didn't feel the normal effects one would. I kmeta'd the main 5gal and 1gal, but it doesn't look good in terms of getting workable wine from it.

All is not lost though, winemakers have had to do something with their failed batches for milennia and one of those things is an ancient Roman recipe called posca (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posca) that has proven quite refreshing! I just mix one part SP vinegar and 3 or 4 parts ice water and it tastes pretty good, almost like a less intense drink of Emergen-C. If I put some honey, sugar, or spices in it, as in the 'original' recipe, I'm sure it'd be even tastier. On the east coast, I think this drink is known as switchel.
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I just found 180 day extended instructions for kit wines. It has keeping the wine in the primary for 28 days, but only stirring the first week. So, your 16 days are well within that range. However, the daily stirring after the first week may be a problem.

I still think it is too soon for vinegar.
My last batch of SP sat in Primary for well over 30 days, in what was one of the slowest ferments I have ever seen.

It still came out just fine
I have 12 gallons of skeeter pee going. It's almost thru fermenting after 4 months. I have kept a lid on it the last few weeks with an airlock. Chugging along slow and steady. Smells great.

Will be 6 gal. reg. skeeter pee (Thanks Lon) and 6 gals. Cranberry Lime S. P. (Thanks me).

As long as you stir often and allow enough oxygen it will be fine. I splash racked mine occasionally to introduce extra O2
So I was finally able to procure a hydrometer on Monday and did a test the same day. I guess it fermented dry to .998, though who knows how long ago that was. Like I said, it wouldn't be a huge loss if it failed, but I think I'm just going to go through the motions up until before bottling and have a taste test among some others with a more discerning palate to see what the final result is
If it's at .998 it's not thru fermenting. .990 or below is fermentation finished.

Add a teaspoon of super ferment to a 6 gallon batch and stir it good. It should finish up in a few days.
Oh, I didn't realize that. I had always assumed that simply below 1.000 was considered dry. Thanks for correcting me!
The posted recipe says SG between 0.998 and 0.995. Other than missing a little alcohol, I do not see why killing off at 0.998 is going to harm anything. You are going to be adding back sugar anyway, so you may add a little less.

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