I whipped up 6 gals in a 15 gal. MiniBrew unit. Is there any problem degassing in this unit or does it need to be racked into a carboy first? I can't imagine it would make a difference...
Is that one of those conical fermenters? Those are so cool! I want one some day! I'd be making 15 gallon batches of Dragon Blood. I have a 32 gallon can that I can make big batches in, but the Minibrews are nice!
For the juice wines, it is as simple as finding juice flavors you want to use and fermenting as normal? 100% juice only? All juice no water? Sounds too easy to be true, but then again so is skeeter pee
oldwhiskers said:Yes, the one I made is really coming into it's own now and tastes great. By the way, welcome to the forum!!!
Just to clarify for myself, I would simply purchase the juice and sugar. Pour juice in fermenter and adjust the specific gravity to my likings? Add nutrients and yeast and let her rip? That does sound too easy!!
it is as simple as finding juice flavors you want to use