This is the current version of the Easy Peesy Recipe:
Ingredients: For a six gallon batch:
Step 1: To a cleaned and sanitized seven gallon primary, add---in this order:
2 bottles (48 oz each) 100% Lemon Juice (ReaLemon in the green bottle):
if you want to recude the acid level use one bottle.
Water to about five gallons
20 cups of white granulated sugar (looking for a SG btw 1.085-1.09):
use less sugar for lower final ABV. Stir sugar until completely
1 tsp. tannin (stir)
4 tsp. yeast nutrient (stir)
2 tsp. yeast energizer (stir)
3 tsp. pectic enzyme (stir)
6 lbs. of Triple Berry Blend (raspberry/blackberry/blueberry--a
vailable in most grocery store freezer sections), frozen then thawed, in a nylon fine mesh bag (tied shut), placed in primary:
Give the bag a couple of squeezes to work in pectic enzyme. May also toss fruit directly into primary, but this makes for a "messier" fermentation and subsequently will require more clearing time and racking.
Top water to six gallons
Cover primary
Place brew belt:
Keep temp in 70F-80F range.
Let sit undisturbed for 12-24 hours...
Step 2: To the primary fermenter, add:
1 packet of EC-1118 Yeast (starter, per yeast directions):
Sprinkle yeast into one cup of warm water (100F), let sit for 15 minutes (no longer), stir and add to primary. Other yeast strains may also work well.
Stir Primary Vigorously!
Step 3: Each day, do the following, in this order:
Check temp
Check specific gravity
Squeeze juices from fruit pack into fermenter---remove friut pack:
Temporarily place in sanitized bucket.
Stir primary vigorously:
To introduce oxygen into must.
Replace fruit pack
Cover primary
Step 4: When specific gravity (SG) reaches <1.000, do the following:
Squeeze juices from fruit pack into fermenter---remove friut pack:
Discard fruit.
Rack to cleaned and sanitized six gallon carboy
Degas very thoroughly:
I cannot emphasize this enough!
Add 1 tsp. Potassium Metabisulfite (stir)
Add 3 tsp. Potassium Sorbate (stir)
Add Sparkolloid* (or other cleaing agent): *
1 tbs in one cup of water simmered for about 30 minutes. Add hot mixture to carboy.
Allow to clear undistrubed for no less than 1 week
Step 4: When wine is clear:
Carefully rack off of lees into cleaned & sanitized six gallon carboy
Add 4-5 cups of white granulated sugar (stir until sugar is completely disolved):
Add more or less sugar to taste. Remember! The sugars will blend with the berry flavors over time, and the sweetness will come forward. Do not over-sweeten!
Allow wine to clear free of all sediment:
This may or may not require more racking over the next few weeks.
Step 5: When wine is completely clear:
Bottle in clear bottles
Never bottle cloudy wine! NEVER!
Wine is drinkable right way, but may benefit from up to a year of aging.