@jgmann67 Bravado Super Tuscan, I think.
@jgmann67 Bravado Super Tuscan, I think.
Thoughts on the Forza?
Yum. Will age very gracefully over time.
I agree. Bottled mine yesterday and think it has huge potential.
Nice to hear that the Forza is good! I have it, Bravado, and Fourtitude on deck.
Nice to hear that the Forza is good! I have it, Bravado, and Fourtitude on deck.
We tapped a bottle of the Forza with dinner last night. We were drinking it after an EP Amarone. It was way too young to compare them - the Forza is still a baby, the Amarone was 3.5 years old. There are still some hard edges to this wine. But, the cherry and dark chocolate were very much front and center. In another year, this is going to be awesome... I hope.
@knockabout @Boatboy24 @jgmann67 Did you make any tweaks in the Forza?