WineXpert Eclipse OVZin Done

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Wine & Scotch
Dec 27, 2013
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I bottled my first batch of Eclipse Old Vine Zin.. it was very clear, taste was very "spritzy and fruity" of course, since it's young, but I was surprised at the almost zero hint of oak?.. I used the cubes... I don't know if it's because it's not really that complex at a young age, but I expected a bit more warmth, it was very dry on the back end, surprisingly you could drink it now.. I will be bottle aging it for a while..

I actually made this batch to top of my next batch, same thing but it's going to be the first run in my Vadai barrel, and I wanted to make sure I had the same wine to top off with for breaking it in.. I expect it to soak up quite a bit..
When you say "spritzy" are you saying the wine has a fizz to it? How long did you leave the oak cubes in for? You would need at least 6 weeks.
Curious which oak and toast did you use? I plan to make a batch of that soon.

I have one of these on deck but it'll be a little while before I get to it. Please keep us updated as to how it's coming along later when you try it again.

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Yeah, I think in general the whole, putting in cubes for 10days seems limited. the CC Red Mountain Cab Kit came with shavings to use during primary fermentation, and cubes. Since my 2nd OVZin is going in the barrel I'm not worried, but I think from now on I'm going to oak at earlier stages as well... picking up a Shriaz kit today to start, I'll add the oak in stage one for this too..
That's weird that the kit says only oak for 10 days. I'm sure you'll be happier with it sitting in oak for 6-8 weeks.

So I bottled the 2nd OVZin from the barrel... at 3 weeks it tasted much better, but I didn't really get an "oaky" taste, so I left it in for another week... so while it's much less "harsh" it's quite "tinge-y"... smooth, great aroma, but not at all peppery, smokey or oaky... I bottled it, and it's good, but it didn't seem to get much of the Oak from the barrel. I know different grapes react differently, and this is a Hungarian Oak, and I'm sure my pallet is used to French from the commercial wineries...

Anyway, I put in my CC Cab kit, it will sit 6-8 weeks, I expect it to take better advantage.

I have a Shiraz and I'm considering some heavy french oak staves in the carboy for a few weeks, then into the barrel for a few.. hopefully to get a stronger oak flavor and reduce the time needed in the barrel...the mirco-oxidation of 4-8weeks should be sufficient..