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Berrys just turning red in mid Ohio. Will get the bird nets on tomorrow. I'd share, but the little ***** eat'em all.
Sorry for this, but one more post and I can put a link in the message.
Went out collecting this am. I picked 11.5 lbs of berries after cleaning. The greentree location was wiped out by birds, nothin left there from what I saw last night. I checked one of my primary locations from last year since they were still green last weekend. They cut the hill like thye did last year except they leveled the elderberry bushes this year, I almost cried. I went to the bush near the highway, still mostly green. My primary bush from last year that I picked from today will produce about another 10 lbs next week. I was hoping for close to 100 lbs this year but based on what I'm seeing nw I'll be lucky to clear 40. I'm bummed.
Sorry to hear that "Mr.Elderberry". You've put an awful lot of time and effort into gathering berries. :b
Sorry to hear that "Mr.Elderberry". You've put an awful lot of time and effort into gathering berries. :b

It's all worth it. I should have enough for 2 6 gallon batches with what I have left from last year. Hopefully the birds won't totally decimate the one good plant before next weekend. Should be able to get 15 lbs based on what was there and not quite ready today.
hey Doug how many elders do you use for a 6 gallon batch?
Make one good 6 gallon batch with all your berries and your steamer, better wine and fewer bottles to store :) CC

It's all worth it. I should have enough for 2 6 gallon batches with what I have left from last year. Hopefully the birds won't totally decimate the one good plant before next weekend. Should be able to get 15 lbs based on what was there and not quite ready today.
The railroad sprayed a nice patch near me.

Killed most of them. With the spray I do not think it would be a good idea to pick the rest.

Hope their ears rang cause I really cussedthem out.
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Well, looks like everthing in the direct are is done. I went out this morning and checked the plants. I should have picked everything on the primary plant last weekend even though not completely ripe. I went out this am, got the last 5 lbs from the plant. Birds got the rest this past week. The plant near the highway that was green last weekend has been picked clean by the birds.

I was hoping for close to 100 lbs based on last year and the prospective new locations this year, ended up with about 29-30 lbs. I have about 13-14 lbs from last year. Will be making 10 gallons at 4lbs per gallon. I'll have to see for sure. I may go for an 8 or 9 gallon batch. Haven't decided.
Remember... it blends beautifully!! We love Rasp/elder and Elder/rasp.... ratios vary. Sour Cherry blends well too.

I have the first 12 lbs of berries steamed have another 30lbs or so to go. The initial steaming gave me s full gallon of juice plus about an 3/4 of an inch in the bottom of the pot. I have another 7 1/2 lbs in the steamer now.

Do you steamers fill it, juice it, empty it?


Steam and keep adding fresh berries until there is too much skin/seed/stuff to add more?

I usually fill, juice, empty ... fill, juice, empty ... fill, juice empty.

I've tried adding but it seems to be less efficient.
Good to know. I have only steam juiced twice so far. Love the ease of it.... less green goo on the elderberries too!

Just like Bob, fill, juice, empty, but we empty into a China hat colander (I think that is what they call them) that is over a container and let them drain while the next batch is steaming, you can get enough juice from that slow draining to make it worth cleaning the China hat. Crackedcork
Same as Bob. Fill, juice, empty then repeat. It took me the better part of the day to steam the berries I had. Each steaming is about 45 minutes to an hour.
[I'm in hog heavrn today.

Took a trip and found a elderberry patch on the way home.

Picked two six gallon pails. Somewhere between foty five to 50 pounds.

real ripe and juicy. My hands were all wet, red, and sticky. :D

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