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We picked yesterday. The stinging nettle was worse than usual. I welted up pretty good. Thankfully it subsided before I got home. 2 hrs to pick and so far 3 hrs of cleaning. We have to finish this morning. I have 19.7# in the freezer so far. We love our elderberries!! I'm going to make port this year. Remember, mix some red raspberry with it too... and oak is amazing!!
Have you made elderberry wine before? Approximately 5# per gallon is perfect. It's not one of those that is better with more fruit. I made a "seconds" with honey that is also VERY good. It makes super great skeeter pee.... use those elderberries to death. There is a lot left to give when you take the bag out of the must.

34# of berries now cleaned and in the freezer. Total of 5 hrs to clean.
Bang the bucket doesn't work with these berries. We did the cooling rack last year. That wasn't the optimal way this year. Picking by hand was it!
Funny... even as I "floated" the berries... a tiny little green goo could be seen in the bubbles and collected on the side of the bucket.

We only do it once...thankfully! Once I pick the last of my berries at home... I'll have enough for 7 gal of wine. I'm going to Port and oak 5 gal, I think. Can't wait to do it!

I don't add anything, really. Looking back... by best batch was on the skins and no white grape juice... so I'm going to go back to that method again. I have tried a few ways now, and know what I like best. I LOVE elder pee.... amazing stuff!! I've made seconds with honey that is very good also. No sense throwing away those berries right away... get 2 for the price of 1 picking.
