enzyme question

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Oct 23, 2014
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is there any pro's or con's to using glucoamylase enzyme to break down the starch in banana
i know it is made for grain, but is starch to glucose the same, will it strip my
flavors? also called beta zyme i think..
Don’t know Dawg, a good dose of pectic enzyme always seems to do the trick for fruits. You just looking to experiment, or are you out of pectic enzyme?

no. you know me, i do my learning in circles, i'll not chance as big a bauch this large i'll go with pectic ,
Thank You
is there any pro's or con's to using glucoamylase enzyme to break down the starch in banana
i know it is made for grain, but is starch to glucose the same, will it strip my
flavors? also called beta zyme i think..
I just did a batch and used amyl enzyme. Didn’t do as good of job as pectic. And 😱 the foam. Never had a batch foam that bad.
I just did a batch and used amyl enzyme. Didn’t do as good of job as pectic. And 😱 the foam. Never had a batch foam that bad.
i used pectic on mine, then broke my press plate , got a new press in just anit got back at it with things going like they are, but now i've learnt 2 things, that stuff is for beer and never use amyl enzyme, thank you,
I used over ripe frozen bananas and 1/3 organic just ripened bananas that I chopped peel and all. The peels have enough enzyme to break down starches. Plus way more flavor in peel.
I used over ripe frozen bananas and 1/3 organic just ripened bananas that I chopped peel and all. The peels have enough enzeyme to break down starches. Plus way more flavor in peel.
i do as you do, i let them get black, skins on, but i bet i've been told better then 20 times to never use the skins, but without the skins, the taste is very watery, this is my brothers favorite, but to give it more and fuller taste, i use golden raisins, and apple juice instead of water, the color on this batch is the best i've ever got before, and to be honest if/when my brothers whines again (((he's earned it he was with the first into baghdad, fort apache)), i think i might go the same way, i'll do my normal ferment, then i'll put my raw must into carboys to sit for several weeks, once i finish this batch i'll know if all that aging on the must/gross lees done to the taste what it has done to the color, when i broke my press plate the only way to save my must was to airlock it all till my new press came in. i think i might have stumbled onto something, but won't be sure till it's bottling time, a few years back i had a couple carboys of blackberry , got sick spent 11 months straight in the hospital, my nephew kept the airlocks topped off, when i got outta the hospital i spent close to another year recovering , so when i finally got to rack my blackberry it had set on gross less for almost 2 years, that blackberry was sinfully good, in history accidents has advanced man/woman kind more then people will ever know,

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