Well Olive Nation has the best price on Star Kay White and when I find those I buy them. I also like the other extracts that Olive Nation carries, I cannot recall brand or if it their house label simply because I transfer my extracts to small glass bottles that I custom decorate. I have not had any concerns with any extracts at Olive Nation. But for vanilla, I use Madagascar beans, approx 6", eight per 750ml bottle of liquor of choice. Being from KY, for years I used bourbon and currently adore using Evan Williams Honey Reserve, have also used rum and vodka.
I did want to get back to this post, as I noticed it while running through here again to catch up. If you go to your area recreational vehicle dealer, you'll find propylene glycol is an antifreeze. It is sold by the gallon and five gallon unit to be used as an RV antifreeze to keep lines and sewers from freezing while stored in winter. Wal-Mart even stocks it. It is a chemical cousin of ethylene glycol and has been declared safe for human consumption.
I also have propylene glycol running through my water radiant heat system at home. That's because the system is connected by a one-way fill valve to the water system, so the antifreeze must be safe to consume on the rare chance there ever is a backwash.
I've used propylene glycol preserved extracts in my wine before, but some may not want to do it.