I recall Runningwolf mentioning this, and I'd like to speak up and say me too! I'd love to make some chocolate extract. I've been reading Joe's thread on extracts so have the everclear, cinnamon sticks and vanilla beans ready. Also some coffee beans and some grapefruit to zest. However as much as I love vanilla and thought it would go oh so well with so many of my wines, when I sat down and did a taste test with purchased extracts (made for beer and wine specifically) I found that I really preferred the addition of chocolate extract. It smoothed out a lot of the young wines, seemed like a great flavor addition. Vanilla, on the other hand, did not improve the wines flavor, seemed to confuse the flavor even. I was mostly testing cranberry and cranberry blends as that is what I had at the time.
Anybody ever make chocolate extract? If yes, please please share recipe and bean source.
Pam in cinti