The Atomic Wine Maker
Thanks, I appreciate your interest. I am slightly concerned that I might have to scale back my plans for this fall due to financial constraints.. But hopefully the essence of this experiment will survive.
Nice find Deezil, it sounds really promising considering I plan on doing a nice long cold soak prior to fermentation. Also, not sure if you know but I managed to snag a deep freezer for cheap and I plan on retrofitting it with a temperature controller so that I can keep temp exactly where I want it.. This yeast would make an interesting first test for Helga.....
My experience is that cold soaking happens after you press your white wines. You chill the must down to prevent fermentation and allow all pulp and overly tannic substances to settle out. Once the juice clarifies, you then rack, warm up, and then pitch.
I never had a need to cold soak re wine.
If the must is frozen, then you are cold soaked. Yes as you thaw you are cold soaked.
No idea on the acidity of the Pinot Noir myself..
Just wanted to chime in, and wish ya good luck monitoring 4 ferments at once..
Ph Between 3.40 and 3.50. Remember pinot is a low Tannin grape. When you have low tannins you need to have acidity for balance and structure. I shoot for 3.4 for my Pinots and a ta .65 to .8. Cheers