Fermentation prior to adding yeast, and low SG after 8 days

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Did you MLF?

I did. Coinnoculated.
Had the bucket all but forgotten while I was crushing grapes all day. When I went to add some fresh grapes it was already fizzing away. I don’t remember how much SG dropped. But I eventually added the fresh grapes and some rehydrated yeast. And malo a day later. Fed all proper nutrients. I don’t think my yeast ever took over. But MLf did finish fully.
Wines not bad too shabby. Still in the carboy now. I’ll bring some bottles to Split Rock.
I’ve specifically asked this question to all of em. Even went on a little crusade a while back to get some real answers.

Good, because I KNOW you are a Crusader! Non Excidet! (Note to others: you can ignore this; AJ and I went to the same high school.)

Yeah, I suspect you are correct. I betcha "uninoculated" buckets have plenty of yeast exposure; some are, in all likelihood, Saccharomyces yeasts from the vineyard and/or winerooms, and they are ready and rarin' to ferment.
I’ve specifically asked this question to all of em. Even went on a little crusade a while back to get some real answers.
None claimed to have any added yeast to the juice. All of em (mosto, Regina, toro) start fermenting extremely easily on their own. Very common for late season pickups to already have Brix dropping at purchase.
I just chalked it up as the processing/macerating, and lengthy time at cold temps just makes native yeast more eager like a rodeo bull
waiting for the gate to open.
*The one bucket I did with “native” yeast stopped at 1.002.
Well we racked it last night, it dropped down to 1.000 flat in the last week. hopefully we get a bit more out of it in the carboy, but I'm happy I had some change.

I have 2 friends who also started 2 of these juice bucket kits, and neither dropped below 1.000 so far either.