Senior Member
Evening Sailor323, I posted a short article recently on the Buon Vino Super Automatic Filler but being a noob, I'm not sure how to find it!. Would imagine you could search for my posts (not that many) and find it. Folks have mixed emotions (like seeing your mother-in-law drive off of a cliff in your new Mercedes!) about the filler but I've used mine for ages and just recently ran in to problem that was easily solvable. Hope you can find the post/or some member more knowledgable than I can direct you. Hope this helps.
I originally bought a Buon Vino electric version, it is sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I only use the A. I. O. Pump.Any opinions on the Buon Vino filler? Not the electric version.
That's it Sour_grapes!I imagine it would be this post: Buon Vino Automatic Bottle filler Troubleshooting