Really!!!!! Wow, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm sorry you don't like traditional wine and the science behind it. A lot of people do. It's unfortunate that you feel I my advice is incorrect because you like wine with high alcohol content. Your right, it's about what you like. I guess everyone should like their wine the way you like it. So I should NOT be giving them advice about traditional wines?
So, quit being argumentative and let's try to help people. Geesh, people like you are the reason I left the last forum!
Fascists like you are the reason I will leave this forum. You people don't love wine-making - you love power tripping over other people.
Don't tell me to quit being argumentative, I will uphold my right to resist oppression from fascist snobs like yourself - it is you who are persistently persecuting me here with your neurosis about what everyone SHOULD like.
You are not trying to help anyone - you are unasked and unwanted in trying to impose your snobbish fascist ideas on me.I've made it abundantly clear and yet you still persist , insulting me over and over again for not adhering to you particular version of insanity.
There is no science to personal preference you have a neurosis and a wish for power over others and traditional wine making will be what I want it to be not what you want it to be and I will use science for what purpose I want it not for your purpose.
No you still got it wrong - everyone should like their wine they way THEY like it not what you or I want.
Do you really understand that other human beings are not extensions of your ego?
You shouldn't be giving anyone "advice" when they are telling you they don't want it. Save the snob tripe about "tradition" and science" for the unsuspecting newbie.
Are you going to tell me with formulas and quadratic equations about what I'm supposed to like? I don't give a darn about flavors within flavors within flavours and twiddling drops of wine in my tongue for 20 years to tell the difference - you can stick that snob stuff up your empty bottle.
When something is delicious it is delicious , you don't make it better, - you just make it different. And a person can choose whether or not they want that difference or want to bother with it.
You want to do that snob stuff, you want to make specialty wines that take five years to produce just to find some arcane taste - fine - it's your prerogative - enjoy it as your personal "thing" but keep it to yourself don't impose it on others.
Helping people means helping them to do what they want , not what you want.
Go take a flying leap into a carboy and stop pestering me with your baloney.
You are not a wine guru,you don't love wine making, you don't accept what people do with this hobby, no one should listen to you. You are just playing a game of trying to use wine to feel superior to others and wine is your weapon for doing so.
And many others are doing this fascist thing here - that's why some people got fed up with the mission statement here and general attitudes and said so and got banned.
The idea of helping people to make the "best" wine is fascist and in-humanist because everyone has their own idea of what is best and it is an imposition to impose your own ideas of what is "best " on others - that is not love of a hobby , that is love of control.
Mine for instance will never involve aging something for five years to make "gourmet" snob wine. I detest the idea.
A humanistic mission statement is to help people enjoy all facets of wine making whatever they are doing and want to do.
When someone asks how to make a two handled corker work, the answer is not to slap them in the face and tell them they shouldn't use one and shouldn't be who they are, and should be using the top of the line model you , Mr. Rich guy has , oh Mr wonderful you (but you don't have that wineyard in France do you? ) that advice is 's not skill and that's not love of wine-making. A guru should know how to make every piece of equipment work form top to bottom and love every bit of it.
I'm fed up with guys like you ,you are prime social oppressors believing in your
scientific and traditional right to be oppressive ... and I would take great pride in getting banned from here so I can find a forum with real people in it and a mission statement for loave of a hobby instead of being run by a snob Gestapo.