Finally! 2024 Winemaking Season Begins

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My season is coming to an end.
Did 4 batches this season.

1) 200lbs Zinfadel - had to dump.
2) 200lbs of Cab Sauv - in secondary going through MLF
3) 400lbs of Sangiovese - in two fermenters right now
4) 320lbs of Syrah - just pitched yesterday

I'm rhinking I need to squeeze one more in this month. 200lbs of petite Syrah is calling my name .
Can I ask why you had to dump the Zin?
Is this Pinot?
Yesterday was Syrah. I'll grab the Pinot Noir on Tuesday (October 8). I'm confident my trip to White Salmon will be uneventful and spectacular at the same time. The Columbia River gorge is stunning and stretches for at least 80 miles. Checking my notes, I picked up the 2023 Pinot Noir on September 15 from the same vineyard.
Update: It's a HOT MESS...

My revised plan was to crush the Syrah this morning at 6am. Ultimately, this was a problem because I didn't remember that it's still dark at that time of the morning. First morning light is closer to 7:20am...

I had a 8am meeting that I had to reschedule and a 9am staff meeting, which I lead. I was working fast and got the Syrah crushed in about 17 minutes, so by 7:30am that was done. HOWEVER, there is clean up.

You don't want that sticky mess to dry, especially on your destemer/crusher, as it can be a chore to get clean if it does dry. I pulled out my pressure washer and didn't pay close attention to the location of the spray line in relation to the cylinder manifold of the gas powered engine. Within a few minutes there was a geyser behind me!

I ran over to Lowes to buy a new line and bought the wrong size. This morning was going all kinds of sideways! I transitioned my staff meeting to zoom and was able to keep that meeting. Technology is great...

After the meeting I made another trip to Lowes and bought the right sized line and finished cleaning everything from the crush in short order. I then transitioned to pressing the Tempranillo. I was able to get 100 gallons of wine. I decided not to keep free run separate from press wine.

Next up, I'm bottling 80 gallons of Mourvèdre after dinner. I just made a pizza...

A few pics...


I just finished bottling 29 cases of 2023 Mourvèdre. I started bottling at 6:30pm and finished at 8:30pm. I'll label and cap tomorrow. This wine is really good. I'm drinking a glass as I type this post.

I'll be driving south at 5am tomorrow and headed to White Salmon Vineyard. Peter Brehm is the owner and grower. It will be good to see Peter. Although I talked to Peter throughout the winter and summer, I haven't talked to Faye (wife) since last season. Both of them are exceptional people.

I'll be getting 1500 pounds of Pinot Noir. I'm planning on doing a 20% saignèe - meaning I'll drain 20% of the juice and leave the skins resulting in a more concentrated Pinot - which I love. I'll press immediately until I have approximately 25 gallons of juice which I'll keep separate as a Rosè. I'll add the skins and seeds to the fermentors - equally. The rest will be crushed as normal and fermented in two stainless steel tanks.

Yeasts on the Pinot will be Muse (for the red) and Fresco (for the Rosè).

Also, tested the must and added nutrient and yeast (Avante) to the Syrah. Brix is 24.6 with a pH of 3.42. The pH will rise throughout the fermentation and I'm hopeful it will finish in the 3.5 range.

Oh, and I almost forgot. I added Oenos bacteria to the Tempranillo tonight.

Lots of moving parts... In case you're interested: 14,500 steps today and on my feet 16 hours. Feeling good...

Here's a pic of my glass of Mourvèdre...


Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 9.34.57 PM.jpeg.png
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