Country Wine Artisan 🍷
I emailed Matt at Label Peelers to see if the Barbera has been discontinued or not yesterday. I'm waiting for a response.
What brand/type of powered tannins do u use? How much in secondary?Just bought the super Tuscan I'll use skin and a hand full of raisins plus oak in the primary I'll adjust the about 14%, and add additional tannins in the secondary. That's the plan.
Did you do the Forte or the Tavola?Just bought the super Tuscan I'll use skin and a hand full of raisins plus oak in the primary I'll adjust the about 14%, and add additional tannins in the secondary. That's the plan.
They didn't do the Sangiovese this time either. In fact the description of the Super Tuscan said they did not have any Sangiovese to include in that blend and substituted something else. I'm either going to do the Bordeaux to compare to the one I've got bulk aging or the Petit Syrah.I just received an email from Matt over at Label Peelers in regards to the FWK Barabera kits. His response is as follows;
"Due to supply and demand issues, the FWK staff was informed from their Concentrate Supplier that Barbera might not be available this Harvest Season. The FWK staff was reluctant to take preorders for something that they might not be able to get. If this changes, they will of course secure the juice and offer the kit. Hopefully, this situation corrects itself in future Harvests."
Have a great day!
Matt Pruszynski
I'm doing the Petit Syrah now. Tomorrow makes 3 weeks of EM on 2 skin packs. I'm thinking about trying the Pinot Noir next since they don't have the Barbera. Not sure if I will try the Forte or the Tavola though.They didn't do the Sangiovese this time either. In fact the description of the Super Tuscan said they did not have any Sangiovese to include in that blend and substituted something else. I'm either going to do the Bordeaux to compare to the one I've got bulk aging or the Petit Syrah.
Did you get that from the abv or does it say somewhere that I couldn't find that there is more concentrate in the Forte kits? The shipping is almost identical from an order I got a couple of months ago. ~$.70 more on a double kit with double skins in each.I did a little comparing between the Tavola and Forte Bordeaux kits and found that Forte basically seems to include more concentrate plus the seed pack, but is otherwise the same as Tavola with double skins as far as I can tell. Forte makes a 13.5-14% abv wine. Tavola states 12-13%. Honestly that seems lower than before?
EDIT - Yes, solely guessing based on the different ABVs. It does not say one is a larger volume, but how else do you get a higher abv? Either more concentrate, or a more concentrated concentrate (of the same volume), or the skins boost the ABV, but I ate a couple and they really were not very sweet.Did you get that from the abv or does it say somewhere that I couldn't find that there is more concentrate in the Forte kits? The shipping is almost identical from an order I got a couple of months ago. ~$.70 more on a double kit with double skins in each.
I use oak tannins that I have received from Carlson, French I believe many years ago and keep correctly last a life time, Forte I thinkJust bought the super Tuscan I'll use skin and a hand full of raisins plus oak in the primary I'll adjust the about 14%, and add additional tannins in the secondary. That's the plan.
That’s very kind of you to say. Thank you so much.It's very commendable that the FWK Company would prefer not to interject in these threads to not bring any promotional input about their products. And on the other hand it is likewise commendable that Matteo Lahm, the Company Founder would take the time to make it clear about the differences between the two series of their concentrates.
To this I say cheers to you Mr. Matteo!
And thank you for explaining and clearing this up for us.
I offer a different point of view on this topic.It is for this reason that we prefer not to interject in these threads to not bring any promotional input about our products and instead let it be a give and take for you, our customers.
I offer a different point of view on this topic.
Folks may purchase one of your kits once to try it. Repeat business will result from your quality, and from unsolicited recommendations from your existing customers.
The time and effort necessary to respond to forum posts is not insignificant. If you take the time to respond to folks, it's not free advertising. You are paying for that with your time and effort. Keep in mind that your efforts help to make others more successful in their winemaking, which wise winemakers appreciate.
This helps, thanks!We at Finer Wine Kits are big fans of this Forum. It is a great place for both Beginners and Advanced Winemakers to share ideas. It is for this reason that we prefer not to interject in these threads to not bring any promotional input about our products and instead let it be a give and take for you, our customers.
However, we feel this is something that we should address so that everyone is clear about the product offerings and the differences between them. The Tavola Series has not changed the amount of Concentrate in the kits. During the Production runs, we aim for the high end of the OSG range to not disappoint customers in the finished product and account for some who might add a little too much water. We have found that many use the ring in a 7.9-gallon bucket as their fill line for 6 Gallons of must and this is slightly high and results in a lower OSG.
As for your assessment that the juice concentrate is the same for both the Tavola Series and the Forte Series, you are correct. There is just more juice concentrate in the Forte Series along with automatic double skins and a seed pack. The higher ABV is not just for more alcohol, it also causes more breakdown of the skins for better color, more body and richer tannins. This is needed to accommodate the increased complexity from the addition of the seeds. Furthermore, the Forte Series comes with more oak chips and cubes to compliment the bolder characteristics. We came out with the Forte Series because we feel it offers our customers more bang for your buck if you are going to make a kit with a double skin pack. We are constantly working on ways to improve our products and give our customers a better winemaking experience. The Forte Series was just our next step.
We hope that this clarifies the differences between the two Series and look forward to Feedback from our customers.
Matteo Lahm
FWK Founder