I'm supposed to receive a Strawberry and Blackberry today. I don't have a concert to go to, so I'll just have to play albums ... while starting the kits!What showed up at my house today courtesy of FedEx??
I'm supposed to receive a Strawberry and Blackberry today. I don't have a concert to go to, so I'll just have to play albums ... while starting the kits!What showed up at my house today courtesy of FedEx??
hey will wait for starting until tomorrow, tonight my wife and I are going to see three old fart bands in concert - REO Speedwagon and Styx with Loverboy: Live and Unzoomed. This marks the fourth or fifth time I have seen REO in concert and third for Styx.
I am in TX too and my FWK deliveries have almost always been 4 days. I track them on a FedEx app and see that when they are picked up from LP facility in the afternoon it’s 4 days. The one time it was 3 it was picked up in the morning. Either way I have not had any issues with the kits even when they arrive at near room temperature. Im also pleased that Mateo and LP are tracking the shipping process with an eye towards improvement.@Matteo_Lahm
Whatever LP did on the Super Tuscan they shipped me a week ago was great. It arrived cool (around 50F). The two previous FWK I had shipped were both received warm (near 70F). The previous kits were also shipped independent of one another so a similar shipping process must have been followed. Additionally, the two previous kits were shipped when the weather was significantly cooler. Not sure what was done different in the shipping process this last time around but it made a huge difference in the receiving temperature. BTW, I live in TX and when LP ships on Monday, I receive on Thursday, so three days in transit. Obviously if LP follows the correct process, the integrity of these kits is not compromised on a three day transit to hot a$$ TX.
Please pass this on to LP management as it might be helpful in staff training.
Saw REO back in the day although Ten Years After, Allman Bros and the Stones were more my vibe. Now days my taste runs more to John Prine, Lyle Lovett and Cowboy Junkies. Does that mean I’ve matured?'Nothing to see here kids, just go about your business! ' A bit too low key for me, I even went to the last AC/DC concert (5th time)!
tonight my wife and I are going to see three old fart bands in concert - REO Speedwagon and Styx with Loverboy: Live and Unzoomed. This marks the fourth or fifth time I have seen REO in concert and third for Styx.
I've seen REO, Styx, and Loverboy a few times at our local M3 rock festival. Also have seen Night Ranger, Winger, Tesla, Kix, Firehouse, Stryper, Poison, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Ratt, Journey, Queensryche, Skid Row, Great White, Cinderella, Whitesnake, Dokken, LA Guns, Nelson, and Extreme about 8 times each. My hubby has been going to the show since the first year (since the second year for me) and we have really seen amazing talent. After ten plus years of going, though, some of these bands have lost members, some of their members are in rehab, some are fighting and won't play together, and some can't sing any longer so it has started to be less fun. I am happy I got to see Queensryche with Geoff Tate before they broke up, and Ratt when they were briefly back together. Journey puts on a great show, even with a new singer.What showed up at my house today courtesy of FedEx?? A Forte Zinfandel and A Forte Sryah. Ordered during the BOGO sale. Shipped out Wednesday late in the day, arrived today in their nice foam packaging, still kinda chilled, even though the temp has approached 80 F around the middle states of America these past few days. They will wait for starting until tomorrow, tonight my wife and I are going to see three old fart bands in concert - REO Speedwagon and Styx with Loverboy: Live and Unzoomed. This marks the fourth or fifth time I have seen REO in concert and third for Styx.
Lead singer - Kevin Cronin is from the original band makeupThe concert was pretty good, only really irritating part was the venue has changed how you get into it and it took about 45 minutes to get to a parking spot, previous concerts there, it was more like 10-15 minutes. For some reason, they left the best turn-off for 2 lanes of Uber drivers. I didn't see one car go down those lanes. Grumble, grumble (first world problem).
Loverboy was rough for the first two or three songs, but the last five or six they found their groove, they are essentially the same bunch of guys they have always been, less the bass player. Styx put on the show you expect them to, very tight, less improvisational interludes. They have two members from the original group and brought out a third to play 2nd bass on a few songs. Lots of energy, sounded really good and nearly the same as the originals.
REO played the same show, I think I have seen three times now. All their big hits, I think they have one guy from the original and he is the keyboard player. The others have been around since about 1990, but aren't the originals. All in all a really good concert.
One winemaking note from the concert. They were selling bottles of wine for a somewhat high mark-up, but they put them into plastic carafes you got to take home. My wife and I snagged two of the carafes from folks around us, who didn't have the thought - "Those would be great to take to the pool!!!" Amazon, Ikea, et al sell them for about $4/carafe.
Lead singer - Kevin Cronin is from the original band makeup(albeit...not the "pipes" he had in the 70s/80s)
I'm hoping Pine Knob has those carafes!!!
Always the "voice" of REO 2 me ✌Actually, he didn't join until the third album, then left for two and came back again.
I haven't seen anything new on the new kits, but LP has seed packets for sale.Any word yet on new FWK vinos?
Everything seems to be out of stock.Any word yet on new FWK vinos?