WineXpert First Batch Taste

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Oct 2, 2006
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Hello All,

I just bottled my first batch of VR Pinot Noir. It was also the first time I took a good taste. I know the taste will change over time, but I just want to make sure I have a healthy batch.

To describe the taste, I would say non-existant. There was hardly any fruit taste, and I would say the alcohol was the dominating taste. Is this typical of wine at this newborn state.

I cannot vouch for the Pinot Noir iowa.. as I make mostly country wines but that is also true with some of them. I know that my Peach, Strawberry and A Blueberry did not develop the fruity character I was anticipating until they had a few months in the bottle.
Welcome aboard Iowa. What you need to do is open a bottle once a month and write down a good description of what you're tasting and post it on the forum for us. What you are tasting is normally. Give the VR kits at least 6 months to come in into it's on.
Hi Iowa and welcome.
I, like you, experienced kind of a flatness with the red VR kits and they do have to age. The whites have all been great for me right out of the carboy!!

Yes, post fermentation, alcohol is usually the dominate character. It will improve with age. Try it again after 4-5 months aging, you will be able to tell the difference. The VR kits can be ready to be bottled after 6 weeks, butthere definetly not ready to drink. Fruit tastes will come out after time, it's different with each kit and variety. I have made VR white Zin and Mezza Luna, they tasted very good after 4-6 months aging. Edited by: DaveB50