First Batch

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I think I can see some, I'm on my mobile right now. If you do the daily stirring like the original instructions say, you should see some bubbling.
Which is better for the daily stirring? I have the mixer that you attach to your drill. I have the hand held paddle mixer. Do I need to purchase a whisk as well?
Which is better for the daily stirring? I have the mixer that you attach to your drill. I have the hand held paddle mixer. Do I need to purchase a whisk as well?

either the drill attachment or the hand held, your preference.

And just go into the kitchen and steal your wife's whisk :i, that would work too.
Ok. The wife's whisk isn't big enough do I would have to get another one. She would just. And me clean it and put it back. Lol
Ok. The wife's whisk isn't big enough do I would have to get another one. She would just. And me clean it and put it back. Lol

Now you know what to get your wife for her birthday. A BIG whisk (so that you can borrow it). Some wives would be upset if their hubby gave a gift of a whisk, but I have experience dealing with situations like this. You wrap it up nice, and when she opens it, you tell her that you JUST HAD to get it for her because it reminded you of how she "whisked you off your feet" when you met her. Mission accomplished.
Lol. That would be a good idea!! My primary is on it's second day. I see bubbles floating up, but it is not violent like I thought it would be. :( Do I need to have more patience? I see now why it is hard to have patience when making wine. I want to drink it NOW!!!! :D
Lol. That would be a good idea!! My primary is on it's second day. I see bubbles floating up, but it is not violent like I thought it would be. :( Do I need to have more patience? I see now why it is hard to have patience when making wine. I want to drink it NOW!!!! :D

Yep have more patience. Mine doesn't go nuts while fermenting. When I open the top I hear fizzling and if I shine a flashlight in, I see tons of tiny bubbles floating to the top. But it doesn't foam up or overflow like my fruit based stuff does.
Cool. Thanks buddy. I have lots of tiny bubbles in mine. That is the only reason I haven't spazzed yet. Lol
Southlake, about how many days did it take your to ferment to 1.050? I'm just curious. I checked mine today just to see how things were going and it was down to 1.070.
Southlake, about how many days did it take your to ferment to 1.050? I'm just curious. I checked mine today just to see how things were going and it was down to 1.070.

3 days from a starting SG of 1.070 and at a temp of 74 degrees. I was actually just checking my notes because my current 2 batches are on day 2 and I couldn't remember when it hit before. Below are the SG readings I had previously:

6/11 (Mon) - 1.070 - Starting SG

6/12 (Tues) - pitched yeast

6/14 (Thurs) - SG of 1.060

6/15 (Fri) - SG of 1.042. Added 3 tsp yeast nutrient, 1 tsp yeast energizer and last 3 15oz bottles of lemon juice.

6/17 (Sunday) - SG of 1.030 . Racked to secondary.

6/22 (Fri) - SG of 0.999. Siphoned into bucket onto campden crush and potassium sorbate (using quantities on packages), then poured in sparkolloid solution on top of that. Mixed thoroughly (degassed a little) then siphoned back into carboy. Clearing started immediately and a lot of sediment was visible on the evening of 6/22.

By 6/24 (Sun), the top portion was a little bit see through while all of it was semi clear.

7/1 (Sun) - completely clear with an SG still 0.999. Sweetened with 4 cups of sugar dissolved in water to a final SG of 1.008.
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Thanks a bunch buddy!!! I started with a SG of 1.074. Any reason you used camden instead of kmeta and sorbate?
This is what was waiting for me today when I checked in on my SP. I gave it a quick stir and checked the S. G. It was 1.060. Should be ready for the next step by tomorrow hopefully!! :D

This is what was waiting for me today when I checked in on my SP. I gave it a quick stir and checked the S. G. It was 1.060. Should be ready for the next step by tomorrow hopefully!! :D

Yep, I would assume yours will be ready tomorrow. Mine was ready today (day 3 just like the other batches) so we appear to be on the same timeline.
Excellent!!!! It sounds similar to a bowl of Rice Krispies with all the fizzing going on! Lol I can't wait to drink this stuff!!
Just out of curiousity, aside from the initial S.G. reading, how do you know for certain what your ending alcohol content is? Do you take a S.G. reading right before you bottle it?