I bought 4#'s of local honey to make a gallon of mead. My first time. I used 71b rehydrated with Goferm. From 1-1.5 grams of fermaid i added half at the beggining then 1/4 after 48 hours and I will pitch the rest after 72. Orignally I was going to wait for a 1/3 break but it has gone slow so I added it. I put in a little FT Rouge because I had some on hand. The starting gravity was 1.114 starting and is now down to about 1.10 after 3 days. This seems slow to me. The temp is around 65 in the must. I took an old down comforter and wrapped it around the bucket today to see if the temp will rise.
Just wondering do meads ferment slower? or is it the temp?
Just wondering do meads ferment slower? or is it the temp?