First mead

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Sep 4, 2024
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Alright, here we go FINALLY. My first mead. Well, as of right now it's only ape juice. Against the recommendation of some in other forums I went ahead and just juiced about 40 lbs of my apples. Process was fine but my juice is more of a must. After processing apples through my juicer I also poured the juice through a nylon paint strainer but I'm still left with a crazy amount of pulp (?) in the batch. For now I've sealed the juice off in an initial fermentation bucket hoping it will settle. Plan on using a racking cane tomorrow bro get this into my carboy and mix honey and Camden tablets, with adding yeast and likely just front loading dap the day after that.

Is there any recommendations anyone has to alter this plan? Anything more I shot do about this pulp (bentonite?). Thanks in advance!IMG_6955.jpegIMG_6956.jpeg
Leave the fruit pulp in the must for primary fermentation. Much of the flavor comes from the pulp. Then when fermentation is almost finished, you can siphon if off the sediment and put it in a carboy to begin clearing.

Be sure to add pectic enzyme, which is necessary for breaking down the cell walls and helping the must to clear.
Leave the fruit pulp in the must for primary fermentation. Much of the flavor comes from the pulp. Then when fermentation is almost finished, you can siphon if off the sediment and put it in a carboy to begin clearing.

Be sure to add pectic enzyme, which is necessary for breaking down the cell walls and helping the must to clear.
Was literally just picking up enzyme when your message came in. How much to add to one gallon must?