I would go with Hungarian Oak Cubes 3OZ for 6 gallons for a couple of months at least. Taste along the way.
The chips will extract faster but you will have to use a boat load of them to get the same oak levels as the cubes. The med toast is the most common included in big red kits.
I picked up some Hungarian (medium) from LD Carlson. Does anyone know if there are sterile or should they be soaked in a sanitizer before adding to the wine?
Ok, so I oaked about two weeks ago and now all 4 carboys have a white waxy looking substance floating in with the cubes. Are they all infected now from the cubes? What should I do here?
That looks like a mold forming, You need to keep sulfite levels with wine to a norm so not testing and keeping them up will turn into this but also if anything like fruit or oak is just left above the wine it will also form mold. I would gently rack through the oak there and into a sanitized vessel and sulfite your wine good. I would buy a S02 test kit so you can achieve a decent S02 level on this wine. You will want to be on the upper scale to kill this infection!
That is pretty nasty looking. It does look like mold to me. How much headspace do you have in there? If you have adequate S02, that should not be growing in there. Do like Wade said and rack it, add proper sulfite and hopefully it will be alright.
It is mold. I am about to rack and it was suggested I put 1/2 teaspoon of Potassium Metabisulfite to each 5-6 gal carboy. Does this sound about right?
I will be heading to the brew store once they open to get a S02 tester. Should I wait or have at it and add the 1/2 teaspoon when racking?