Like everyone else said, the yeast won't hurt you and you may not even notice the taste. I generally get a little yeast in the glass when I pour a bottle conditioned beer just because it can be hard to see when I need to stop pouring to avoid it. If you ever drink belgians from a corked champagne style bottle, you'll see how the last glass is always cloudy from the yeast, yet it still tastes wonderful, even if it's a bit different from the rest of the bottle.
However, while it doesn't hurt to drink out of the bottle, beer can be a lot like wine in the fact that the aromas add a lot to your drinking experience. Try a comparison sometime. IMO itreally does taste better in a glass. Even better if the glass curves in towards the top to direct towards your nose. In fact, I've been known to drink beer from a wine glass if it's a really nicely aromatic beer and my only other option is a normal pint glass!
However, while it doesn't hurt to drink out of the bottle, beer can be a lot like wine in the fact that the aromas add a lot to your drinking experience. Try a comparison sometime. IMO itreally does taste better in a glass. Even better if the glass curves in towards the top to direct towards your nose. In fact, I've been known to drink beer from a wine glass if it's a really nicely aromatic beer and my only other option is a normal pint glass!