First Try at Blueberry - Suggestions?

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Dude, the best wine I have made to date, from the perspective of what other people are clamoring for all the time, is a blueberry-Welch's concord recipe, slightly backsweetened and bolstered with blueberry concentrate about 10 days before bottling.

If everyone else had their way, that's all I would ever make! I make it unoaked using blueberry yeast sludge left in primary from a straight blueberry batch. I use Welch's as the juice, then use the blueberry concentrate duuring backsweetening, after stabilizing. The parent straight blueberry batch is a bluer color than the mix.

I bottled 35 in January. There are 6 left. Out of blueberries now and waiting for them to come in season so I can make another parent batch to do it again.

So I am SOOOOO very glad you like yours! :r
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liked it so much I decided I wanted some around for fall.. I just cooked up a 6 gallon upscaled batch of my earlier recepie.

it's now warming up and settling in the fermenting room waiting for the starter.....
liked it so much I decided I wanted some around for fall.. I just cooked up a 6 gallon upscaled batch of my earlier recepie.

it's now warming up and settling in the fermenting room waiting for the starter.....

I even started on a label that I now believe is worthy of it...
