No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Did you ever test a vacuum on this?
Did you ever test a vacuum on this?
No need. I bought a $69 diaphragm pump off Amazon so now I can pump into them. I received my second 15G Flextank last week!
No need. I bought a $69 diaphragm pump off Amazon so now I can pump into them. I received my second 15G Flextank last week!
I'm guessing you like the flex tank? I was considering one of these as well but never really looked into it much since I don't do a lot of a single type of wine.
Linky please.
FYI Mine only took about ~14.5G to fill within a couple inches of the top. I dumped two of the 23L Italian carboys in then only ~2G from a 3G carboy.
Anybody ever tried to pull a vacuum on one of these? I wonder if the walls would be stiff enough to do a vacuum transfer.
@ibglowin or @stickman,
What are you experiencing with Flextamks and SO2 additions?
@ibglowin or @stickman,
What are you experiencing with Flextamks and SO2 additions?
Why not just get a 15 gallon SS keg for about $30. Other than being fixed capacity, it doesn't get any better than that.
I've been making primarily Bordeaux blends from grapes, after pressing I rack the wine twice over a period of three days, then add the ML culture and oak with the wine in the 30gal Flextank. I'm using 4 French oak staves, 2.5" x 3/8" x 36" long. After ML completion, I usually rack and put back into the tank, add sulfite and test a couple of times during the first week and add more as needed, as expected, significant sulfite binding occurs with the first addition after ML. I usually rack again in a month and see 15 to 20ppm binding/loss. Once the wine is several months old and somewhat stable, I've been seeing roughly 5ppm loss per month, but I don't have a lot of confidence (which is why I test) as there can be a lot of variation depending on how the wine is handled, bacterial load, as well as the amount of oak present. That's why I provided the background handling information above, so you have something for comparison as I assume everyone does things a little differently. I have never run any batches without oak, so I don't know what the expected loss would be in the tank without the staves.