Found some really cool looking tartrate(?) crystals in my wine

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Sep 15, 2022
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These pics were taken with a high intensity flashlight pointed at the wine, because it's very dark and tannic. Got some huge clusters of crystals. I assume they're tartrates.
This is a bottle of my 2023 blackberry wine. I chill my wine after opening the bottle to keep it fresher so I don't know if it happened in the fridge or during aging.

Has no noticeable effect on taste. Makes the texture a bit unpleasant but it breaks up and falls to the bottem when you stir it a little. They look lovely though, it sparkles.

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I don't think there is much tartaric acid in blackberrie?!
Well evidently there is. On my other batches I also have much more typical tartrate crystals that sort of stain on the glass and cork, and I have no doubts that those are tartrates.

These are also a different species of blackberries that you would usually find in they store, they're Himalayan blackberries.

As for what this is in particular, I have no idea, don't know much about what organic compounds can make crystals but it could be anything really
Tartaric acid is primarily found in grapes. Citric acid is the dominant in blackberry followed by malic acid.
The density of tartrate crystals is significantly greater than wine, they would fall much the same as sand would or edible glitter would if mixed with wine.
Proteins can produce a cloud, in grape products it suspends well. Temperature can also force polymerization. If you can solubilized it in alkali I would vote for protein.

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