Frank & Rita

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It would be easier to smile if I wasn't holding the camera.

One last walk on the dock before going home, oh yea, we went to 2 wineries and a brewing company but forgot to take pictures!!

Looks like you have a great time Frank. I hope there are many more in your future. Oh and great pictures also.
Frank & Rita, wonderful pictures. They also make wonderful memories.

Enjoy life and wine to its fullest~
And a great time was had by all........Thanks for sharing stinkie
Hi Frank & Rita! At that Bed & Breakfast, is that a upside down carboy cooler?
That gives me an idea!
Thanks for letting us share in the festivities Frand AND Rita. You two have an absolutely fun time by the looks. Do you think that having a vineyard at a Bed and Breakfast in the country would be a draw for the B&B? I am looking to site some more vines, and I have a B&B a couple miles from home at a large old farmhouse with a perfect vineyard site.
Rita and I went to Cape Cod to visit my brother last weekend, we stopped in Ipswitch Mass. at the famous Clam Box in search of the worlds best fried clams, they were very good, but we stopped in Yarmouth Maine on the way home and had some as good or better, so the great clam search goes on!!

My brother picked us up in his new truck, an F-350 twin turbo deisel, Harley Davidson edition, Ford installed 10" lift, I was wondering how to get in it, but when you open the door a step come out from underneath. (he's doing OK)

He took us out fishing twice, we only got seasick caught a bluefish the second day.

You can only buy lobsters in Maine around 4 pounds, you can get jumbos in New Hampshire, I asked my brother how large they can get them on Mass. He picked up his cell phone at dinner and had a 12 pounder for us to take home the next morning!!

We had lobster dinners for 2 nights and I ate till I was
That's a 9" X 13" pan.

Damn you Stinkie...I just got ready for work and nowI done went and slobbered all over myself and gotta go change shirts again.