Frank & Rita

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Oh my gosh!!!!! Makes me homesick for the ONLY great seafood in the world!!!! The East Coast!! Born and raised on the Chesapeake Bay, living in AZ, I miss the water and the seafood.

Thanks for sharing the picures of Maine, seafood and water.

And you two are two peas in a pod!!
Ah, I remember the days. Back in the early 80's I was stationed at Pease AFB in Portsmouth, NH. We used to cross the bridge to Kittery, Me * there was an island under the bridge where we would get lobster for a buck apiece.
Thanks for sharing Frank. My grandmother lived in Yarmouthport. My brothers best friend used to own a seafood store a few towns over from where I live and he had a 25 lb'er there once.
So we had some 1lb lobsters last week and after the big boy it was like eating crayfish, but there's nothing wrong with crayfish, ya just gots to open
Thats all we can get down this way stinkie..And Red Lobster is migjty proud of them too
Frank&Rita said:
Rita and I went to Cape Cod to visit my brother last weekend, we stopped in Ipswitch Mass. at the famous Clam Box in search of the worlds best fried clams, they were very good, but we stopped in Yarmouth Maine on the way home and had some as good or better, so the great clam search goes on!!


just saw this brother llives right near this...and he swears by it...everytime i am near there, i try to get some food there but the line has always been an hour or so long...i must be picking the wrong days
How about a big platter of "Fried Green Tomatoes" Edited by: Waldo
We went on a wine tour last week to Bartlet Winery in Gouldsboro Maine, they make really good fruit wines.

Cut the hops vines down and hung them in the house to dry, thought I had a whole bunch and listed a pound for sale on Ebay, tuned out I had a pound and just enough to make an IPA when I get time!! Hops don't weigh much after they dry!! OK can't show that picture it's too big to load and my new computer has VISTA and it STINKS!!!!

I'm making Ginger Beer now adding 8oz of Ginger juice to my American Light beer kit, making it a health tonic, drinking my way to good health!!

I have 10 kegs, looking to start kegging some day, only makes sense now that I have 27 cases of Grolsch

Someone asked me to post more pictures, I said how many times do you want to see my sweetheart and me eat lobsters???
One more time I guess, the price is really low so we are trying to help end the supply glut!!

So anyways, we have 12 gallons of blueberry in the primary, 12 gallons of Ginger beer in the primarys, and today we started 6 gallons of Bartlet pear wine, seeded the pears then mashed them in my Vita mix and boiled them in my beer pot and cooled it with the wort chiller also added 10 cans of 100% Niagara concentrate, then strained it all out. Used lavin 1116 yeast.
Looks like life is just dandy over there F&R. What is that Mini-Brew, does it have a heating element in there?